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UsersChallenge friends

Juni utmaning 2021


Längst sträcka :-)


Challenge friends, Longest distance wins.

The results in this challenge is calculated automatically from what you add to your diary

All workout types counts.

Active from 2021-06-01 and 2021-06-30.

Created by therese7913
Filter results:


Position   Navn Results  
Challenge_first 11 larsson6000@gmail.com
Marie Larsson
524.71 km
Challenge_second Ezsf5nihi74gcs4wo48g marita.lindberg@live.se
Marita Lindberg
446.11 km
Challenge_third 11 shape68 416.88 km
4 Kpcvandem5w88ggw8g8w besen 319.80 km
5 Ha3fs6ggp74804skc0gg Kattzzzen 200.39 km
6 Eb9b2bcda029c6be5d324828a93ca1101604940baa4452f6514e964893893253 maria1900
maria åhlberg
178.00 km
7 Bb38c5b5cc4f30cc4ee8744aeb6778480c37493cc161314f87023365f39ee27b marie.0_59@hotmail.com
Marie Ode
177.93 km
8 Sgux2iu8he884c4g8go0 Myjourney2021 118.10 km
9 48ee0b985cf47e6a1126dc5e5b4662345e90d13e1d681fed6f396681142488df Johanna93
Johanna Bergquist
89.78 km
10 C923c20a9nsoowosk4so saraparnelov
Sara Parnelöv
78.32 km
11 Qk2gja2wi680k0cc4ow8 sabrina87
Sabrina Andersson
51.65 km
12 63r1c1pl4r0oo00ws40g Vhornbrink 48.42 km
13 15b6kts4tzc0gcoggo40 fannyjuhlin 29.46 km
14 Bi3qfrg95mo0og4ggkoc annelie@hagghult.net
Annelie Andersson
24.57 km
15 Aoogrtcfksg0s4ccwsg4 Friidis 13.61 km
16 9eaenrmyefwg404kso8c therese7913
Therese Jägsell
10.83 km
17 Pic c.nilssonroos@gmail.com
Catharina Nilsson-Roos
6.98 km
