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Harry_Tek Link Blog

Harry Tek, 0year

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You use the same pool of points

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The typical restrictions of tanks, DPS attackers, mages/crowd controllers and healers all make a physique in The Old Republic, however they’ve been adjusted towards the character archetypes from the Star Wars lore. Hence, you won’t view a smuggler tanking or possibly a Republic trooper healing teammates with the win at gamereasy. No, no instead the classes happen to be broken down to install into the almost class expectations related to Star Wars characters that truly make sense. So Jedi may be healers or DPS, while heavy troops be tanks and bounty hunters might be DPS/off-tank to aid neutralize or condense on mob activity.


Many in the character classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic also play multiple roles, in order to open up some freedom on what players can party and team jointly, instead of requiring the very same classes for all those scenarios. The character classes that happen to be revealed with the game to this point include Bounty Hunter,Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent, and Sith Inquisitor for that Sith Empire; and also the Trooper, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Consular for your Galactic Republic.


The Smuggler can be a Gunslinger or Scoundrel. Gunslingers are long-range DPS that will hunker down and take cover since they fight. Scoundrels may be more close-ranged down-and-dirty fighters with shotguns, or become healers that practice in underworld medicine. Scoundrels also own a stealth generator, that may allow them to avoid combat if they need to go for naught.


While the very first two Skill Sets include Skills entirely unique on the chosen Advanced Classes, your third Skill Set consists of the shared pair of Skills which expand upon the core Skills on the Class itself.One thing to note is you use the same pool of points when training your Advanced Classes Skills, so spend your points wisely!


The Jedi Knight may become a Sentinal or Guardian. Sentinals focus purely on up-close damage, and wields two lightsabers. They also have a short lived force-stealth they could use to confuse and dishearten their enemies in Eso game. Guardians work with a single lightsaber, and could become either champions with the force being a DPS or tank.The Sith Warrior will be the mirror on the Jedi Knight, and becomes a Marauder or Juggernaut.

Written 250 weeks ago