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lilly_01 Link Blog

Kvinna55year , New York, United States

lilly_01's Blog

So I failed again :)

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I guess it was a mistake trying to get in shape during the summer vacation :)

So I failed again, just could not get motivated during the vacation. But now im here again with a guilty conscience and will start again! :)

I don't really know why I keep failing. I like to think that I am motivated but I guess it just takes a big effort to really get into it.

Written 873 weeks ago
6061 871 weeks ago


... like we say in north Sweden: It is never to late to give up... :-)
36873 810 weeks ago


Hi Lilly,
It takes many tries to get it right, there are no failures but tries that didn?t succeeded?. We all try that ?by the summer I ?? I did the same, the summer goal is always so far away and such a hard deadline? just setting that summer goal sets you up for not reaching it (I did not use the word failure, just a bad word to use, and it will put you down by using it). Forget about the summer just set up some goals on a monthly basis and when the summer comes you will be surprised ?