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35 Day Squat Challenge

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35 days of squats!! Perform each of these increasing squats each day for 35 days, with rests in between.

Day 1: 50 squats
Day 2: 55
Day 3: 60
Day 4: rest
Day 5: 70
Day 6: 75
Day 7: 80
Day 8: rest
Day 9: 90
Day 10: 95
Day 11: 100
Day 12: rest
Day 13: 110
Day 14: 115
Day 15: 120
Day 16: rest
Day 17: 130
Day 18: 135
Day 19: 140
Day 20: rest
Day 21: 150
Day 22: 155
Day 23: 160
Day 24: rest
Day 25: 180
Day 26: 185
Day 27: 190
Day 28: rest
Day 29: 220
Day 30: 225
Day 31: 230
Day 32: rest
Day 33: 240
Day 34: 250
Day 35: 260


Personal challenge that lasts for 35 dias

You update the results of this challenge manually here on the challenge page

You start this challenge when you want

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