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Group_badge Congratulations!!   sábado 5 de octubre de 2013 together and finnished our goal 2154 km we achieved
Days until achieved
Our goal

Treriksröset - Smygehuk

Completed distance
2154 km
2154 km
Distance per participant
23.9 km

Individual results

Place   Nombre Result  
55 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
56 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
57 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
58 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
59 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
60 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
61 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
62 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
63 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
64 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
65 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
66 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
67 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
68 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
69 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
70 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
71 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
72 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
73 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
74 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
75 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
76 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
77 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
78 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
79 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
80 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
81 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
82 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
83 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
84 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
85 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
86 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
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