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Group_badge Congratulations!!   lunes 28 de marzo de 2016 together and finnished our goal 8871 km we achieved
Days until achieved
Our goal

Stockholm - Beijing

Completed distance
8871 km
8871 km
Distance per participant
98.6 km

Individual results

Place   Nombre Result  
104 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
105 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
106 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
107 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
108 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
109 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
110 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
111 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
112 2cr6xyjgvgu8g400co8c mbcbf1
Teresa Wulff
0.00 km
113 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
114 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
115 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
116 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
117 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
118 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
119 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
120 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
121 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
122 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
123 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
124 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
125 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
126 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
127 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
128 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
129 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
130 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
131 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
132 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
133 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
134 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
135 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
136 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
137 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
138 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
139 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
140 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
141 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
142 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
143 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
144 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
145 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
146 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
147 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
148 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
149 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
150 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
151 Lf4kqbdns9wwcsg8ggwk gillargavle
Kristina Hedberg
0.00 km
152 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
153 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
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