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Group_badge Congratulations!!   lunes 1 de junio de 2015 together and finnished our goal 8871 km we achieved
Days until achieved
Our goal

Stockholm - Beijing

Completed distance
8871 km
8871 km
Distance per participant
98.6 km

Individual results

Place   Nombre Result  
153 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
154 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
155 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
156 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
157 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
158 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
159 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
160 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
161 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
162 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
163 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
164 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
165 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
166 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
167 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
168 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
169 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
170 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
171 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
173 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
174 Picture?wi Janne69
Janne Svensson
0.00 km
175 No_small_image Gunillan
Gunilla Lundén
0.00 km
176 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
177 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
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Showing 151-174 by 174