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Allt om Löpning


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Group_badge Congratulations!!   domingo 10 de febrero de 2013 together and finnished our goal 465 km we achieved
Days until achieved
Our goal

Stockholm - Gothenburg

Allt om Löpning ska ta sig till mål på bra tid!
Completed distance
465 km
465 km
Distance per participant
5.2 km

Individual results

Place   Nombre Result  
1 No_small_image /es/profile 81.00 km
2 No_small_image /es/profile 53.45 km
3 No_small_image /es/profile 52.71 km
4 No_small_image /es/profile 51.70 km
5 No_small_image /es/profile 48.00 km
6 No_small_image /es/profile 42.40 km
7 No_small_image /es/profile 27.29 km
8 No_small_image /es/profile 22.20 km
9 No_small_image /es/profile 20.18 km
10 No_small_image /es/profile 19.00 km
12 No_small_image /es/profile 14.03 km
13 No_small_image /es/profile 11.48 km
14 No_small_image /es/profile 5.01 km
15 No_small_image /es/profile 5.00 km
16 9w230lp1vrk84wco8kcc aleckan
Alexander Engvall
2.33 km
17 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
18 82e91bd6ad4c2f28bd447eb7947401df53490edd5206741c0223bd36a003f0bd Rex 0.00 km
19 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
20 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
21 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
22 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
23 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
24 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
26 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
27 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
29 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
30 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
31 No_small_image /es/profile 0.00 km
Showing 1-28 by 28